Cookies Policy

Cookies are short strings of text that are configured and saved by the website visited in the user’s browser. The cookie stores information that the website is able to use when it is browsed. The main purpose of the cookies is to provide a better browsing experience.
Cookies can be first or third-party cookies.
First-party cookies are those that are saved directly by the website you visit and whose information remains available only within the website. They generally record information such as the number of page sessions or views. On the contrary, third-party cookies are set in the browser from domains other than the one browsed.
This website uses the following types of cookies:

Technical cookies

Used to save the user's session and to perform other actions which are strictly necessary for the website's operation. The website may also use cookies to save your browsing preferences and improve your browsing experience. For example, these cookies include those for maintaining the browsing session, recording cookie preferences and setting the language Please note that technical cookies, considering their use by the website, also include the WalkMe cookies (more information is accessible via the following link)
The user's consent is not required for these cookies, as they are necessary for the use of the website and the provision of services.

Anonymised analytic cookies

The website uses the Adobe Analytics tool to analyse user interactions and provide a series of aggregated statistics (the number of visitors, average time spent, origin, most viewed content, etc.). In order to protect our users, we have chosen to apply anonymisation settings to prevent third parties from collecting individual information.
The user’s consent is not required for these cookies either.

Profiling cookies (for which consent is required)

Profiling cookies are used to link specific, identified or identifiable individuals to behavioural profiles, used to customise services and send targeted advertising messages, i.e. according to the preferences expressed when browsing the internet.
In this section you can check and, if necessary, change the status of your consent to the installation of first and third-party profiling cookies. If consent is denied, or not expressed (for example by closing the banner by clicking on “x”), these cookies will not be installed, therefore not accepted.
You can always return to this page to check if the currently active option is the one you want to express: in this case you do not have to take any action. Otherwise, you may change your chosen option at any time.
For example, to change the choice of "Cookies managed directly by the data controller" follow these steps:

How to express or deny your consent to cookies

Check which option is
already selected

Hypothetical field of choice with ‘I do not agree’ option selected and Confirm button disabled.

Change the existing option to CONFIRM

Mouse cursor that selects the item ‘I agree’ previously not selected, and active Confirm button.

Select CONFIRM to save
your choice

Mouse cursor on the Confirm button to define the requested consent change.

Follow the same steps to express or deny the consent of the "Cookies managed by third parties"

Below are the first-party and third-party profiling cookies used by this website:


  • Cookies managed directly by the controller


Purpose of cookie


Customise the commercial information on the website based on your interests.
For customers who log in to the online banking area with their personal identification codes, the information obtained by the cookie may be aggregated with information already held by the Bank and - on the basis of the consent provided - may also be used to complete the customer’s personal profile.

  • Cookies managed by third parties

Cookies managed by third parties are also installed via this website. All the cookie types listed below are included with the name of the third parties who manage them, and for each one of these a link is provided to the page where information on data processing is provided, and where you can provide your consent (individually on the cookie policy page of each third party or in aggregate form by using the consent function for all third-party cookies).





• Deliver interest-based advertising through Internet browsing
• Send advertisements to people who have previously visited this website
• Manage browsing statistics
• Personalise content
• Improve browsing experience
• Provide personalised and more appropriate communications. This personalisation is also based on the browsing behaviour of the Bank’s customer on third party websites with which AdForm has signed agreements for the installation of its cookie
• The browsing data obtained by AdForm even on third party websites may also be communicated to the Bank and - for customers who log into the online banking area with their personal identification codes - the information obtained by the cookie may be aggregated with information already held by the Bank and - on the basis of the consent provided - may also be used to complete the customer’s personal profile.

Adobe Target

• Customise the commercial information on the website based on your interests.
• For customers who log in to the online banking area with their personal identification codes, the information obtained by the cookie may be aggregated with information already held by the Bank and - on the basis of the consent provided - may also be used to complete the customer’s personal profile.
• Monitor and measure the use of the Intesa Sanpaolo website by the user.
To prevent the storage of the above cookies and/or to disable them, the user may follow the procedure provided at the following link:


• Deliver interest-based advertising through Internet browsing
• Send advertisements to people who have previously visited this website
• Personalise content
• Improve browsing experience

DV360, Google Ads

• Deliver interest-based advertising through Internet browsing
• Send advertisements to people who have previously visited this website
• Personalise content
• Improve browsing experience


• Deliver interest-based advertising through Internet browsing
• Send advertisements to people who have previously visited this website
• Personalise content
• Improve browsing experience
• Content sharing on social networks


• Deliver interest-based advertising through Internet browsing
• Send advertisements to people who have previously visited this website
• Personalise content
• Improve browsing experience


• Deliver interest-based advertising through Internet browsing
• Send advertisements to people who have previously visited this website
• Personalise content
• Improve browsing experience


• Deliver interest-based advertising through Internet browsing
• Send advertisements to people who have previously visited this website
• Personalise content
• Improve browsing experience


• Deliver interest-based advertising through Internet browsing
• Send advertisements to people who have previously visited this website
• Personalise content
• Improve browsing experience

Managing cookies from your browser settings


This website functions best when cookies are enabled. However, you can decide to disable cookies on your computer.
For information on how to change cookie settings, select the browser you are using:




Microsoft Internet Explorer


Mozilla Firefox

If you completely disable cookies, you may disable some of the website’s features. Even with all cookies disabled, your browser will still store a small amount of information, required for the website’s basic features.
Cookies downloaded from this website will be valid for 12 months, after which time you will be required to give your consent again.
If you close the banner by clicking "x" without indicating your acceptance or otherwise of the profiling cookies, your consent may be requested again after a period of not less than 6 months.
Even if you have denied consent to the use of cookies, you will not be asked to do so again until at least 6 months have elapsed since you made your choice.
However, you may be asked for your consent again if the processing conditions change significantly (e.g. new third parties are involved), or if it is impossible for the site to know whether the cookies have already been stored on your device (e.g. if you choose to delete the cookies installed on your device).
You can view and change your consent at any time through this page.

The Data Controller is Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. with registered office in Turin, Piazza San Carlo, 156. For more information on the data and processing methods, categories of recipients, possible transfers to third countries, the rights of the data subject and the methods for exercising such rights, please refer to the website's privacy policy and the complete information notice in the Privacy section.